Embryo Donation International

The Challenge

Dr. Craig Sweet founded Embryo Donation International to create a practice soley focused on the receiving and donation of frozen embryos left over from IVF treatment. It since has become one of the world’s premier clinics for embryo donation, attracting patients from around the United States and the world.

The Solution

We worked with Dr. Sweet and his staff as well as other marketing vendors to develop a strategic marketing plan that included writing website content, brochures and one-sheets, press releases, blogs and social media postings.



Website and blog writing

Wrote and edited content for two websites and edited Dr. Sweet’s blogs as well as brochures and patient profiles.

Media Relations

Wrote award-winning Modern Day Mother’s Day (Florida Public Relations Association)

Marketing plan development

Worked with Dr. Sweet and outside vendors to develop a comprehensive marketing plan targeting different types of customers, including professional and patient markets.

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