Thought you might be inter­ested in this post from Seth Godin’s blog. Seth is con­sid­ered by many to be one of the god­fa­thers of social media mar­ket­ing. What I like most about him is that his writ­ing is short, con­cise and pithy. He does not mince words, but gets straight to the point.

I really enjoyed this blog because it defines why I chose to spe­cial­ize in infer­til­ity mar­ket­ing. I love hav­ing a deep, rich knowl­edge about this par­tic­u­lar field for which I feel so pas­sion­ate about. So with­out fur­ther adieu, I sug­gest you read the following:

From Asi­mov to Zelazny

When I was in high school, I read every sin­gle sci­ence fic­tion book in the Clearfield Pub­lic Library. Prob­a­bly 250 books altogether.

I don’t think I had a big plan, I was mostly look­ing for some­thing to do. What I dis­cov­ered, though, was that domain knowl­edge, edge to edge knowl­edge of a field, was incred­i­bly valu­able. It helped me under­stand where the edges were, and it gave me the con­fi­dence to be selec­tive, to develop a tax­on­omy, to see what was going on.

As the del­uge of infor­ma­tion grows and choices con­tinue to widen (there’s no way I could even attempt to cover sci­ence fic­tion from scratch today, for exam­ple), it’s easy to for­get the ben­e­fits of acquir­ing this sort of (mostly) com­plete under­stand­ing in a field. I’m not even sure it mat­ters which field you pick.

Exper­tise is a pos­ture as much as it is a vol­ume of knowledge.

Read­ing every sin­gle trade jour­nal, for exam­ple, or under­stand­ing the mar­ket­ing, engi­neer­ing and sales of your field–there are count­less ways to go deep instead of merely pay­ing lip ser­vice to the cur­rent fla­vor of the moment.