
Don’t forget to contribute to the infertility nonprofits

Remember how George Bailey in Its a Wonderful Life  dreamed about what life in Bedford Falls would have been like if he had not been born? With the help of his guardian angel, George learned that his life indeed made a difference to his family, friends and town.

As a community, the infertility field depends on the work of the infertility nonprofits. We can’t and shouldn’t take them for granted and assume others will support them. We all need to ask ourselves what the infertility field would be like if these organizations did not exist. Who would provide impartial patient education? Who would advocate for infertility patients with the government, the public and the media? Who would represent the patient viewpoint on controversial issues? Who would lend a shoulder (real or virtual) to cry on and offer emotional support to patients? Who would fundraise for treatment scholarships?

Infertility patients’ lives and their ability to access treatment are improved and enriched because of these organizations. As a consequence, our professional lives also are made easier.

As you make your year-end preparations, I hope you remember to make a donation to several of your favorite infertility nonprofits. We understand the significance of their work. They depend upon the generous contributions of professionals and infertility patients, though many of the latter are already tapped out financially to pay for treatment. Plus, it’s one of the smartest marketing moves you can make and a wise investment of your marketing dollars.

So you better watch out, because in a social media ‘viral’ world your patients/clients will know if you have been ‘naughty or nice’ with the infertility nonprofits. Just kidding about the naughty part, but they will know and appreciate if you have been nice.

Want to know more? Contact me at

Here are some of my favorites listed in alphabetical order. If I missed any, please email me the names.
• AGC Scholarship Foundation
• Baby Quest Foundation
• Cade Foundation
• Creating a Family
• Fertile Action
• Fertility for Colored Girls
• Fertility Within Reach
• Journey to Parenthood
• Kansas City Infertility Awareness
• Parenthood for Me
• Parents Via Egg Donation (PVED)
• Path2Parenthood
• Pay It Forward Infertility
• RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association
• RESOLVE of New England
• The Broken Brown Egg