The Marketing Plan: The Key to Meeting Your Organizational Objectives

Here is a how-to guide to cre­at­ing a mar­ket­ing plan. Though I wrote it specif­i­cally for non­prof­its, the steps can be applied to any type of busi­ness or organization. Mar­ket­ing Plan: Key to Meet­ing Orga­ni­za­tional Objectives By Terri Davidson Does your...

The Responsibility of a New York Times Op-Ed Piece

Authors’ missed opportunity to start a dialogue replaced by hyperbole, selective statistics and a mean-spirited sensibility I admit feeling defensive about the recent op-ed article “Selling the Fantasy of Fertility” that appeared in the New York Times. After all, I...

Are You Paying Too Much or Too Little to the Competition?

Is Embracing the Competition the New Black? We’ve all been there: worrying about what our competitors are doing, wishing we had thought of their great idea, regretting we hadn’t made more sales calls or anguishing over the possibility of lost market share. It’s easy...

Infertility Advertising: Show Me the ROI

Eenie, mee­nie, miney mo, which adver­tise­ment is a go? One of the most con­fus­ing aspects of run­ning a mar­ket­ing pro­gram is fig­ur­ing out which adver­tis­ing vehi­cles will give you the best return on invest­ment while simul­ta­ne­ously attract­ing new...

Infertility Marketing is More Than Just the Flavor of the Month

Thought you might be inter­ested in this post from Seth Godin’s blog. Seth is con­sid­ered by many to be one of the god­fa­thers of social media mar­ket­ing. What I like most about him is that his writ­ing is short, con­cise and pithy. He does not mince words, but...